Octoprint as a container, aka how to setup software via helm charts

  As I mentioned in Wifi trouble on an old NUC I recently had issues with my Raspberry Pi 4 that I used to run Octoprint. I was setting up the Raspberry Pi 4 and my Ender 3 V2 3D printer again after many months. The end goal is to print some fixtures for my new desktop CNC machine.

  In the process of re-setting up the Raspberry Pi 4 running Octopi. I had decided to upgrade the underlying distro Raspbian from buster to bullseye to bookworm. These are codenames for different Debian releases that Raspbian is based on. I was able to do that just fine via modifying the /etc/apt/sources.list file for each upgrade, and running apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade. It was a slow process that took hours, but it went well.

  At the end of the I rebooted the Raspberry Pi 4, and found my ALFA AWLS036ACH wasn’t working. I then tried to re-compile the 8812au-20210629 driver, but ran into compiling errors. What I ended up finding is that the kernel for bookworm is compiled with LLVM. This then required running commands like LLVM=1 make oldconfig ; LLVM=1 make prepare to get the kernel configuration in a happy state for 8812au-20210629 to compile with 8812au-20210629. Compiling 8812au-20210629 was sped up by using make -j4 to take advantage of all four cores of the Raspberry Pi 4.

  Right as I got this finished my Raspberry Pi 4 died. I am not exactly sure what happened, but I am pretty sure that at least the SD card smoked. Maybe the Raspberry Pi 4 itself too. I say this, because the SD card was extremely hot to the touch when I went to examine both. Also both smelled like smoke. This is when I decided I was done with my Raspberry Pi 4 even if I could salavage it. This also happened at around 1am that night, and so then I went to bed.

  In the morning my new plan was to use one of three Intel NUC6i7KYB NUCs I had laying around as a replacement host for Octoprint. I picked one of them, and it already had Fedora Linux 36 installed on it. So I then upgraded it to Fedora Linux 37 and then Fedora Linux 38 using dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=37 ; dnf system-upgrade reboot and dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=38 ; dnf system-upgrade reboot.

  The next step was to get Octoprint setup. I had already done some research and found the octoprint docker image. But I am not a fan of running software in Docker. It isn’t that I am not a fan of containers. It is just that I greatly prefer to run things in Kubernetes using Helm charts. I have been running SABnzbd, Sonarr, and vaultwarden in Kubernetes for years. Here is a list of software that helps with those.

Kubernetes helpers

  • cert-manager, LetsEncrypt certificate management
  • external-dns, software to glue Kubernetes services, load balancers, and ingress controllers to DNS records in your favorite DNS provider like Route53
  • ingress-nginx, an easy to use nginx based ingress controller, and not to be confused with kubernetes-ingress formerly known as nginx-ingress
  • metallb, easy to use Kubernetes load balancer provider, and works with ingress-nginx
  • openebs, Kubernetes storage driver, aka CSI driver, that lets you create EBS volume like persistent volumes

  I have previous used pure upstream Kubernetes based on Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes the Hard Way. Which is how I still run the above services today. But since I set that up k3s has sigificantly matured, and has become the clear front-runner for Kubernetes outside of a cloud. I have also used k0s before, but found some design flaws.

  I then became to setup everything with the commands below. The commands should work on more Linux distributions with the exception of the dnf command. Though I did provide an alternative method. That the process should be so universal is part of the magic of Kubernetes.

All the pods running in k3s/Kubernetes:

kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE       NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS         AGE
kube-system     svclb-ingress-nginx-controller-f9b322c2-xsqtv   2/2     Running   12 (4h15m ago)   2d17h
cert-manager    cert-manager-5468bbb5fd-p7wkr                   1/1     Running   8 (4h15m ago)    2d18h
kube-system     coredns-77ccd57875-dg9jd                        1/1     Running   7 (4h15m ago)    2d20h
default         octoprint-55d456799d-pjqms                      1/1     Running   5 (4h15m ago)    2d5h
cert-manager    cert-manager-cainjector-6f455799dd-fk27b        1/1     Running   24 (4h15m ago)   2d18h
ingress-nginx   ingress-nginx-controller-5f99db95d8-989f5       1/1     Running   6 (4h15m ago)    2d17h
kube-system     local-path-provisioner-957fdf8bc-p75pz          1/1     Running   10 (4h15m ago)   2d20h
cert-manager    cert-manager-webhook-54bd8d56d6-zxwzk           1/1     Running   8 (4h15m ago)    2d18h
kube-system     metrics-server-648b5df564-2ss84                 1/1     Running   11 (4h15m ago)   2d20h
metallb         metallb-speaker-kv8zj                           4/4     Running   58 (4h15m ago)   2d17h
metallb         metallb-controller-784fd54657-twxz7             1/1     Running   8 (4h15m ago)    2d17h

Octoprint web ui with an SSL certificate:

DNS lookup showing the A record for octoprint.cygnusx-1.org using the first ip address from the MetalLB range:

nslookup octoprint.cygnusx-1.org

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:	octoprint.cygnusx-1.org

  In the end if you have setup a DNS record in your domain, and maybe setup port forwarding through your router to the system running Octoprint, then you should be able to go to https://octoprint.yourdomain.com/. Note k3s has it’s own local-path-provisioner built-in as an alternative to openebs.

  Note this could be used setup one or many different Helm charts for all kinds of software. Have a look at whats available on ArtifactHub or GitHub. It also isn’t hard to write your own Helm chart for any Docker image you can find on DockerHub.

Run via sudo or as root for setting up k3s, ingress-nginx, cert-manager, metallb, and k8s-at-home to setup Octoprint:

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh - # Not a fan of this style at all, but it is k3s's standard install method. There are alternative methods.
dnf install helm # Installed helm from Fedora. Alternatively can be downloaded from the GitHub links above.
mkdir $HOME/.kube
ln -s /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml .kube/config # Setting up ~/.kube/config for using kubectl with k3s
helm uninstall traefik -n kube-system
helm uninstall traefik-crd -n kube-system # Uninstalling traefik, k3s's default ingress-controller
kubectl delete pods --field-selector=status.phase=Succeeded -n kube-system # Cleaning up Completed pods
helm repo add k8s-at-home https://k8s-at-home.com/charts/
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install octoprint k8s-at-home/octoprint -f octoprint-values.yaml
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
helm install ingress-nginx -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --create-namespace
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace --values ingress-nginx.yaml
helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.12.4 --set installCRDs=true # 1.12.4 is the latest at this time.
helm repo add metallb https://metallb.github.io/metallb
helm update
helm upgrade --install  metallb metallb/metallb -n metallb --create-namespace
kubectl create -f electron-route53-secret-access-key.yaml
kubectl create -f clusterissuer.yaml
kubectl create -f certificate.yaml
kubectl get certificate # You want to see the certificate READY status as TRUE. 
kubectl logs `kubectl get pod  -A | grep cert-manager | grep -Ev 'cainjector|webhook' | awk '{ print $2" -n "$1 }'` -f # If you need to see what is going on with the cert-manager and your certificate
kubectl get certificate -o yaml # Another useful command
kubectl create -f metallb-resources.yaml
kubectl create -f ingress.yaml


enableServiceLinks: false # Octoprint will break without this

  CAMERA_DEV: /dev/video0 # My Logitech 4k BRIO webcam
  #ENABLE_MJPG_STREAMER: false # Can be useful to uncomment when first setting up Octoprint if you don't have a webcam or don't have one plugged in
  TZ: America/Phoenix # Change to your timezone

  tag: 1.9.2 # Current latest Octoprint version

    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce # Don't use ReadWriteMany
    enabled: true
    size: 1G # Creating a 1gb persistent volume for Octoprint to persisent in. Without this you will get the setup wizard everytime you restart the pod.


    default-ssl-certificate: default/electron-tls # This sets a default SSL certificate that comes from cert-manager. Change this to match your certificate's secretName name, not the metadata name.


apiVersion: v1
  secret-access-key: d0phbHJYVXRuRkVNSS9LN01ERU5HL2JQeFJmaUNZRVhBTVBMRUtFWQ== # echo -n 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY' | base64
                                                                              # ^ base64 encoding
                                                                              # This is an example secret-access-key from AWS's documentation.
                                                                              # echo -n 'd0phbHJYVXRuRkVNSS9LN01ERU5HL2JQeFJmaUNZRVhBTVBMRUtFWQ==' | base64 -d
                                                                              # ^ base64 decoding
kind: Secret
  name: electron-route53-secret-access-key # electron is the system's hostname
  namespace: cert-manager
type: Opaque


apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: letsencrypt-electron # electron is the system's hostname
    email: letsencrypt@cygnusx-1.org # Set this to your email address
      name: electron-issuer-account-key # electron is the system's hostname
    server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
    - dns01:
          accessKeyID: AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Replace this
          region: us-west-2 # Set this based on what region your route53 zone lives in
            key: secret-access-key
            name: electron-route53-secret-access-key # electron is the system's hostname
        - cygnusx-1.org # Set this to your domain


apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
  name: electron # electron is the system's hostname
  # Secret names are always required.
  secretName: electron-tls # Set this consistently everywhere

  duration: 2160h # 90d
  renewBefore: 360h # 15d
      - Cygnus X-1 # Change this, and feel free to make some name up
  isCA: false
    algorithm: RSA
    encoding: PKCS1
    size: 4096
    - server auth
    - octoprint.cygnusx-1.org
    name: letsencrypt-electron # Make this match the issuer's metadata name
    kind: ClusterIssuer
    group: cert-manager.io


apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: default
  namespace: metallb 
  - # Pick a small range outside your DHCP range
status: {}
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: L2Advertisement
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: l2advertisement1
  namespace: metallb 
  - default
status: {}


apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
#    external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: octoprint.cygnusx-1.org # I am not using it, but this is how you could use external-dns with your domain.
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "0"
  name: octoprint
  namespace: default
  ingressClassName: nginx
  - host: octoprint.cygnusx-1.org # Change this to be your domain
      - backend:
            name: octoprint
              number: 80
        path: /
        pathType: Prefix
  - hosts:
    - octoprint.cygnusx-1.org # Change this to be your domain
    secretName: electron-tls # Make this consistent everywhere

Additional Links:
Ingress controllers / API gateways:

Certificate management:

Load balancers:


CSI drivers:




Continious deployment:


